An organisation’s employees are their biggest assets. That is why understanding and supporting their online experience is key to ensuring that employees have as few interruptions to their productivity as possible and stay with their organisation.
At Bright Horse, we understand this and offer varying consulting options that come under two experience umbrellas: Experience Consulting (How to implement and/or manage an Experience-Level Agreement / Experience Management Office?) and Assessment Services (Where are you now with Experience? Where would you like to go? How can you get there?)
Experience Consulting


Gain direction in planning, building, and executing a user sentiment survey.

Ensure that employee experience is continually measured and improved with the right structures, roles and processes.

Receive real-world, practical help and support to start or complete your XLA journey.
Assessment Services

For those just starting on their experience journey, we assess your capability, readiness and sentiment to support employee experience.
Experience Assessment

Receive guidance to determine the current or potential value of your Nexthink investment.
Nexthink Value Assessment
Our consultants are highly experienced, hands-on, subject matter experts in XLA and XMO design and implementation. The team are accredited in the art and science of employee experience but, more importantly, we have the practical knowledge and the right methods to make exceptional things happen.
Our consultancy approach is backed by our own methodology, an approach that is flexible, pragmatic, and backed by best practices in Agile and Prince2. Our methodology enables us to support you in three different manners.
We can either coach and advice you, take it on for you, or best of all, do it together.
Bright Horse High-Level Consulting Framework

What Our Clients Say

"Bright Horse delivered what it promised. I would go as far as saying that it delivered more than promised, which was fantastic."